DSCN0929Congratulations to our 2014 Sweep Swap winner Maddie!

Children’s oral health is a priority to us.  Teaching parents and kids about oral health when they are young can change a child’s oral health for a lifetime.

One of the most important lessons is regarding sugar.  Your teeth are most affected not by the amount of sugar you consume but more importantly by the frequency. Having that candy around for weeks is worse than eating as much as you can in a few days and then getting rid of it. It is important to limit the amount of sugar you consume in general for your overall health as well.



Don’t get me wrong we are big fans of Halloween here at Steveston Smiles; We want you to have a fun, happy, safe Halloween and enjoy your
candy; We just don’t want you to be over feeding those “sugar bugs”.

We created the Sweet Swap as a fun way for kids (and let’s be honest their parents) to part with that free candy! Candy is brought into our office and exchanged for an entry ballot into our Sweet Swap Draw to win an iPad Mini.



IMG_9784This year we collected 125.8 pounds of candy. It is our most successful swap yet.  Through a long term patient at our office we will be donating the candy to St. Paul’s Parish. Thank-you to everyone who participated in this year’s Sweet
Swap, there are some exciting changes coming up for next year so stay tuned.