Your Kids Will Love Flossing With GumChucks®!

WE’VE SAID IT TIME AND TIME AGAIN… flossing is essential for a healthy mouth! But it’s not always the most enjoyable task of the day, especially for kids. If you’re looking for an easier way to help your kids floss–and have fun while they’re at it–we’ve got just the product for you! GumChucks® Make Flossing Easy And Fun GumChucks are a flossing system that’s designed to not only make flossing easier for your kids, but also help them floss correctly. And when your floss looks like miniature nunchucks, there’s no doubt some fun will ensue! Here’s why we love GumChucks: Functional design promotes correct “C” shape flossing technique as recommended by the Canadian Dental Association  The two-handled system makes flossing easy for kids with limited dexterity Long handles make for [...]

By |2017-08-11T22:49:01-07:00May 13th, 2017|General|Comments Off on Your Kids Will Love Flossing With GumChucks®!

Seasonal Allergies? Take Care Of Your Smile

SPRING IS FINALLY HERE and we couldn’t be more excited! Chirping birds, blooming flowers, and warmer weather are just a few of the things we look forward to when spring comes around. We have to admit though, there is one thing about the season that’s not particularly appealing, and that’s allergies. Be Aware Of These Dental Side Effects During Allergy Season Many of you have experienced it, red, itchy and watery eyes and the constant sneezing and congestion. The effects of seasonal allergies can go even further, however, and may even affect your oral health! Here are some mouth-related symptoms to be on the lookout for when seasonal allergies strike. Tooth Pain When your body reacts to allergens in the air, you often end up with congested sinuses. Sinus pressure in the maxillary [...]

By |2017-08-11T23:38:23-07:00April 28th, 2017|Oral Health|Comments Off on Seasonal Allergies? Take Care Of Your Smile

Don’t Be Fooled By Fruit Juice

EVERY CHILD LOVES sugary treats! But most parents understand how bad they can be for a developing smile. Unfortunately, some sweet things are more deceiving than others. As your trusted dental team, we’re here to make sure your kids can get the nutrients they need to have strong, healthy and beautiful teeth! Fruit Juice Contains A Lot Of Sugar It’s not always easy getting little ones to eat their fruits and veggies. Many parents turn to juice as an alternative to help them get some of the nutrients they need. While there are nutritional benefits to fruit juice, it can also be really hard on teeth. Fruit juice, even if it’s all natural, contains a lot of sugar. What’s worse is that many fruit juices, especially those marketed for children, have added sugar [...]

By |2017-08-11T23:08:26-07:00April 17th, 2017|Children, Oral Health|Comments Off on Don’t Be Fooled By Fruit Juice

How To Care For Your Teething Baby

TEETHING IS NO FUN for babies or parents. Some babies’ teeth erupt with no problems at all but for others, it could be a long and painful process. Besides giving your child plenty of tender loving care, here are some things you can do to care for your child’s mouth during the teething phase. Be Aware Of Teething Signs And Symptoms When your little one finally starts teething, it’s normal for them to be fussy and irritable. Common symptoms are difficulty sleeping, decrease in appetite and increased drooling. It’s also normal for their temperature to increase slightly when they’re teething, however, high-grade fevers are not normal. If your child seems overly cranky or has a high fever, call your physician. When teething begins is different for each child. While the average time teeth begin [...]

By |2017-08-11T23:13:31-07:00February 14th, 2017|Children|Comments Off on How To Care For Your Teething Baby

February Is Children’s Dental Health Month

THE CDC REPORTS THAT 1 in 5 children (between ages 5 and 11) in the US have untreated tooth decay. Not only should tooth decay be treated in regular dental appointments, it should be prevented! Tooth decay is 100 percent preventable with effective personal care and regular dental cleanings. In honor of Children’s Dental Health Month, we’re spreading the word about children’s dental health. YOU Can Help Little Ones Have Healthier Smiles! Encourage them to brush for two full minutes: Pick a song about two minutes long and sing it to them during brushing time. Set reminders to brush twice a day: Brushing after breakfast and just before bed are the best times for preventing bacteria growth from food. Show them flossing is fun, not harmful: Be gentle at first when doing it for them. A bad experience [...]

By |2017-08-11T23:19:50-07:00February 4th, 2017|Children|Comments Off on February Is Children’s Dental Health Month

Preparing For Your Child’s First Dental Visit

SEEING A BABY’S FIRST SMILE is a wonderful moment in a new parent’s life–that little grin leaves a lasting impression! Visiting the dentist early ensures that your child’s smile remains happy and healthy. First Tooth Pop In? Time To Schedule Their Appointment! n 2003, the BC Dental Association launched a campaign recommending children visit the dentist 6 months after their first tooth or at one year of age. Although this may seem early for a first visit, there are many reasons for acquainting your child with a dentist so early in their oral development. The first, and most obvious, is that we are able to monitor the health of their new teeth as they come in. As soon as your little one’s first tooth erupts, he or she can begin to develop [...]

By |2017-08-11T23:23:12-07:00February 4th, 2017|Children|Comments Off on Preparing For Your Child’s First Dental Visit

Don’t Let Your Insurance Benefits Go To Waste!

THE END OF THE YEAR IS approaching fast! Before year’s end, our team wants to remind you to take a look at your dental insurance benefits! Insurance Benefits Typically Don’t Roll Over To Next Year Each year your dental insurance company probably gives you a maximum amount of available benefits. Since those benefits don’t typically roll over into the following year, you’ll want to contact us now to get your appointment scheduled! We all know how it is, once the holiday season is upon us—hectic! Life can get really busy and some things fall between the cracks. So remember that your dental health needs your attention too—not just for the sake of your teeth, but for your overall health. If you’re due (or overdue) for an appointment, make sure to talk to our office. Take advantage of [...]

By |2017-08-11T23:28:34-07:00November 1st, 2016|Services|Comments Off on Don’t Let Your Insurance Benefits Go To Waste!

Why Does Food Taste Funny After Brushing?

HAVE YOU EVER WONDERED why certain foods taste unpleasant after brushing your teeth in the morning? Most of us have experienced that bitter sensation a time or two, but what exactly causes it? Your Mint Toothpaste Flavor Isn’t To Blame It’s a common misconception that mint-flavored toothpaste causes the unpleasant taste when eating that first meal after brushing. In reality, it’s a chemical found in most toothpastes called sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) or other variants like sodium laureth sulfate (SLES). These compounds are known as surfactants, which are foaming agents which make it easier to spread toothpaste evenly as you brush. Aside from helping toothpaste clean your teeth, surfactants also affect your tastebuds. Surfactants Affect Your Tastebuds Surfactants like SLS affect your tastebuds in a couple of different ways. First, it suppresses receptors that pick up [...]

By |2017-08-11T23:31:25-07:00October 24th, 2016|Oral Health|Comments Off on Why Does Food Taste Funny After Brushing?


Wait… sugar? That’s right. The scariest thing you’ll encounter this Halloween may just be sweets. Here are some hair-raising statistics about Halloween candy consumption: Americans purchase around 600 million pounds–or 2 billion dollars worth–of candy each year for Halloween. Kids consume up to 7,000 calories on Halloween and the average trick-or-treater intakes about three cups of sugar. The average child would need to trick-or-treat for over 100 miles to burn off what they eat during Halloween. These statistics may be a bit shocking but what is perhaps even more frightening is how much sugar the average Canadian consumes on a daily basis, not just around October 31st. According to a study done by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, sugar makes up 16 percent of the average child’s daily caloric intake. The American Dental [...]

By |2017-08-11T23:34:57-07:00October 14th, 2016|Children, Office news, Oral Health|Comments Off on MONSTERS AND GHOSTS AND SUGAR, OH MY!

4 Tips To Soothe A Toothache Before Your Appointment

SUDDEN TOOTHACHES ARE painful and far from convenient in today’s busy world. However, getting to a dentist as quickly as possible is the best thing you can do to treat and relieve your pain as well as prevent any further problems. Your Dentist Can Provide Effective Treatment And Long-Term Relief It’s important to remember that there is always an underlying cause for a toothache, such as decay, gum disease or tooth enamel erosion. They usually never go away on their own and only get worse–and more painful–over time. Paying a visit to the dentist as early as possible is the best course of action for tooth pain. Your dentist will not only relieve your pain and provide long-term relief, but will also work to treat the cause of your toothache, preventing further [...]

By |2017-08-11T23:36:17-07:00September 19th, 2016|Oral Health|Comments Off on 4 Tips To Soothe A Toothache Before Your Appointment
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